Friday, November 10, 2006

Project Cam

I wanted you all to know about another technology/service that is available to you for free, and that you might be interested in exploring for your China unit. It's called Project Cam. Developed by Cable in the Classroom, Project Cam is an online environment with video, chat and file sharing capabilities. It allows educators, students, and experts to make live connections to other learners and experts via webcams and high-speed internet. Here's a blurb about a project that a school from Columbus did with a school in China.


Brelle said...

How cool would this be for our China unit! I wonder if any of the schools in Hefei have this capability.

Susannah said...

I will check on this for you all. I think they provide the technologies needed for both schools. I'll get back with you on this one.

Susannah said...

The details of how to set up a project are located on this page:

It looks pretty easy.

Elaine said...

I, too, think this would be great for our China unit. This will help the kids get a more concrete understanding of China's location - and how the cities there are set up. Do you think it might be useful to use for our "flight" to China? Could it be incorporated into our power point pictures we used for our "flight"?